Thursday, March 25, 2010

Guitarist in YouTube Video of 'Carnival of Venice' of Justin Holland, African American Composer

[Justin Holland]

Justin Holland (1819-1887) was an African American composer, guitarist and teacher who is believed to have been Cleveland's first African American professional. He is profiled at Classical Guitarist Dr. Jimmy Everett Moore has made a YouTube video of himself playing Carnival of Venice (7:02) on July 13, 2008. It is: “An excerpt of a Doctoral Lecture Recital on the History of the Guitar in America at Florida State University.”

Recent AfriClassical posts on Justin Holland have mentioned that Douglas Back has made a recording which includes five works of the composer, American Pioneers of the Classic Guitar, Mento Music Press SMM 3023 (1994). It can be ordered at his Web site, Scraps From The Operas has been recorded in MP3 format by Donald Sauter. His website is

1 comment:

Stephen A. Bess said...

Thanks for sharing the knowledge. Fascinating.